Villa Mimosa is a three bedroomed house set in the urbanisation of Mimosas in L´Escala.
The house is very modern and is well furnished.. There is a private garden, with BBQ at the rear of the house. From the garden you can enter the communal gardens and pool area. The house has two bathrooms, one of which has a bath, the other a shower and one bathroom with a toilet only.
Also downstairs and a lounge/diner and modern kitchen with washing machine, dishwasher and fridge/freezer.
Upstairs are one double bedroom and one bedroom with bunk beds. Downstairs there is twin bedroom with single bed and full size pull-out single bed.
All bedrooms benefit from Air Conditioning.
Guests have access to Private Wifi.
The house is located about 10 mins walk to Riells Beach with a promenade, shops, bars and restaurants.
The pool can be used from 9.00 to 24.00
Banda ampla sense fil Internet
IMG 5282
IMG 5296
IMG 5279
IMG 5280
IMG 5294
IMG 5281
Instal·lacions de piscina i spa
Piscina exterior compartida no climatitzada
Aparcament i instal·lacions
Comunitat tancada, Aparcament, Jardí privat
Accepta la targeta de crèdit, Accessible les 24 hores del dia, Els nens són benvinguts, No s'admeten animals de companyia, No es permet fumar
Taula de ping pong, TV (cable)
Cuina i menjador
Barbacoa de carbó, Cadireta alta per a nens, Estris de cuina, Rentaplats, Graella, Fogó, Microones, Forn, Nevera, Torradora, Aspiradora
Bany i safareig
Assecador de cabells, Planxa i taula per planxar, Dutxa, Joc de tovalloles, Pica, Rentadora
Calefacció i refrigeració
Aire condicionat, Calefacció elèctrica
Internet i oficina
Banda ampla sense fil Internet
Seguretat domèstica
Farmaciola de primers auxilis, Detector de fums
S'accepten targetes de crèdit
Nens benvinguts
No s'accepten mascotes
Prohibit fumar
Arribada: 04:00 PM
Sortida: 10:00 AM
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Seleccionar data d'arribada
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29 | 30 | 31 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
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